Enabling Self Healing

Self Healing is enabled with mental authority and emotional power. Health requires a Wealth of Wisdom. Being well is healthy, wealthy & wise.

Mental authority is called wisdom. Wisdom is an innate sense of knowing. I intuitively know with certainty when my choice is authorised because I feel inspired and fear free.

Emotional power is called wealth. Wealth is an innate sense of intuitive feeling. I intuitively feel empowered when I am inspired with innate wisdom.

The absence of mental authority is called fear. Being fearful is never wise. Fear blocks the flow of my wise, authorised, mental choices.

The absence of emotional power is called depression. Being depressed depresses my flow of empowered inspiration. Stress, worry, anxiety & dread are all symptoms of blocked mental authority. Frustration, anger, intolerance & confusion are all signs of blocked emotional power.

Self Healing is a physical ability that requires mental authority. That means I have to choose it by consciously taking responsibility for my own health. No-one can choose it for me.

Making wise personal choices requires emotional power. Depressed emotional power disallows wise mental authority. With a wealth of emotional power, I have the mental authority to empower my own ability to heal my Self.

Before I am able to heal my body, I am required to heal my mind. Healing my mind requires a personal connection to my intuitive innate wisdom. Intuitively connecting to my innate wisdom, which knows that I am a self healing entity, requires my intuitive connection to my wealth of emotional power. I cannot buy emotional power because it is inherently innate.

I cannot connect to my innate healing power when I feel ill. Pain is my body telling me that my emotional power has a blockage. I only ever feel pain when my emotional power is not freely flowing and I believe that I am not well. It is impossible to feel pain when I am feeling well and empowered with my own emotional energy.

My emotional power allows my connection to my mental authority. My wealth of emotional power that flows with my wise mental authority, enables my physical ability of Self Healing.

When I am intuitively certain of my self healing ability, I feel empowered to allow it to be my reality and my own life force energy flows effortlessly and healthily, without any internal resistance.

I am a naturally self healing entity, when I allow my Self to be one. When I know that all is well, I am being Healed.