Disease & Dis-ease

Disease is an illness.

Dis-ease is a discomfort.

Both disease & dis-ease are the affect of a cause.

  • Dis-ease is the affect caused by discomfort
  • Disease is the affect of the confusion caused by the cause of the discomfort

The lack of clarity with regards to what causes a disease, causes discomfort & dis-ease. Patients often feel relieved when their dis-ease is diagnosed as the affect of a particular disease. Confusion arises when we are seeking a physical cause (a disease) for an emotional affect (dis-ease). Such is the confusion that dis-ease causing diseases cause. The emotional dis-ease grows with the belief in a causal disease.

When dis-ease is not seen as a symptom of self-healing, it is believed to be infectious. The cause of the infection is called a disease. With no clear distinction between the dis-ease and the disease, the cause and the affect become confused and both are seen to be infectious.

The question is: Does the dis-ease cause the disease or does the disease cause the dis-ease?

When dis-ease is the effective effect of self-healing, there is no disease. Dis-ease is caused by low emotional energy, not disease. Low emotional power may cause pain, discomfort & dis-ease but it is not a disease causing an infection.

  • I am affected by dis-ease
  • I am infected by disease
  • I am effective with self healing

It is our disconnection from our source of emotional power that causes our discomfort & dis-ease. Our negative emotional power allows the negative mental perspective that our dis-ease is caused by a disease, which is caused by a pathogen that has allegedly overcome the natural immunity of a self-healing body.

Positive cellular genetic maintenance, called self-healing, both requires and allows the flow of positive personal emotional power. With positive emotional power and a positive mental perspective, self-healing is pain free, fear free & problem free.

Negative emotional thinking causes the affect of negative emotional power, which is experienced as physical discomfort & dis-ease. It is the physical discomfort of emotional dis-ease that sponsors the confused mental belief in infectious pathogenic diseases.

The Pathos Gene becomes infected with a negative mental perspective, instead of being empowered with positively beneficial emotion. Feeling well, without dis-ease of discomfort, is essential to maintaining good health.

Self healing is effective when I effectively heal my Self. The cause of self healing is Self healing. Self healing allows the Self to effectively maintain good health, without either dis-ease or disease.