Three Types Of Illness

There are Three Types of Illness:

  • Acute
  • Chronic
  • Critical

Acute Illness has an acute condition, which typically affects one part of the body and responds to treatment with an apparent cure.

Chronic Illness has a chronic condition, which affects multiple areas of the body, persists for an extended period of time and is not fully responsive to treatment; so there is no apparent cure.

Critical Illness has a critical condition, which requires Intensive Care because it is life threatening. The objective of intensive care treatment is to preserve life by avoiding death.

  • Health deteriorates on a critical path from acute to chronic to critical
  • Health improves on a healthy path from critical to chronic to acute

The three types or conditions of illness are the three stages of deteriorating or improving health.

Modern medical practice focuses on the relief of pain, discomfort & dis-ease caused by an illness; in contrast to the maintenance of good health.

With the efficient & effective maintenance of health, acute symptoms never become chronic. With the current medical treatment of acute illness, chronic disease is becoming out of control. In the treatment of chronic illness, critical care is becoming increasingly necessary.

Germ Theory dictates that most disease and discomfort has an external cause, which requires an external remedy to take affect. We are the victims of villainous pathogens and our Health Service is the only hero that can save us. The responsibility for maintaining personal wellbeing, through self healing, has been abdicated to an external authority.

When all dis-ease and discomfort is realised to have an internal cause then it will become evident that it’s relief will require an internal effect in order for the body to return to optimal health.

The belief in three types of illness causes three types of discomfort:

Acute Discomfort is experienced in one part of the body as the result of one or more of three symptoms:

  • The redness of increased blood flow called Inflammation, which is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs
  • The swelling of increased blood plasma called an Edema, which is treated with a diuretic drug
  • The itching of the presence of Histamine, the body’s natural protein production for maintenance & repair; which is treated with an anti-histamine drug

Chronic Discomfort is experienced in multiple parts of the body and persists for an extended period of time. It is caused by the body’s inability to self heal. It is the physical response from a body whose potential for self healing has become blocked and it is unable to heal its own acute discomfort due to external interventions.

Critical Discomfort is the body shutting down due to the inability to regulate its own potential for self healing. It is the critical discomfort of a dying entity.