Pathogens & Antigens

A Pathogen is any agent that causes disease. Especially a virus, a bacterium, a fungus or a parasite.

An Antigen is any molecule that is capable of binding to an antibody because it is classified by the human body as a toxic substance. It may be a component of a virus, a bacterium, a fungus or a parasite.

  • A Pathogen is a cellular invader
  • An Antigen is a molecular invader

All toxic cellular pathogens are, at a lower holon of existence, toxic molecular antigens.

An Antibody is any one of the human body’s many neutralising agents. The human body neutralises the effect of both pathogens and antigens, with antibodies.

Immunity means that I am physically unaffected by either a pathogen or an antigen because they are both neutralised effectively & efficiently by the antibodies that are produced naturally in my body.

Being Healthy means that I am neither infected by a pathogen nor affected by an antigen because my antibodies are effective. Being healthy is the natural state of a body that is in balance because it is able to neutralise and dispose of any toxic substance effectively.

Antigens & Pathogens are the same toxic substances perceived from opposing perspectives:

  • My healthy perspective sees the immunity that I have from all antigens, due to my effective antibodies
  • My unhealthy perspective sees the immunity that I need when I am infected with a pathogen

Vaccination is the immunisation of the body when it is believed to be potentially unhealthy, whether affected by dis-ease or infected by disease.

I always have a choice of seeing the symptoms of toxin disposal as positively beneficial and anti-genetic or the symptoms of an infection being negatively detrimental and pathogenic.