
Fulfilment is being conscious of my mental happiness.

I am mentally happy when I am fulfilled.

I am mentally filled full of happiness.

When my mental happiness is empty, I remain unfulfilled.

It is my mental beliefs that cause my lack of fulfilment.

It is my belief that there is something that I have to do in order to feel fulfilled.

To be fulfilled, I am required to feel it.

I feel fulfilled when I remove all the obstacles that are disallowing my fulfilment.

Fulfilment is the attainment of being fulfilled.

Being fulfilled is the attribute of effortlessly following my own path & fulfilling my vision in life.

Not having or not knowing that I have a vision for my life will disallow my fulfilment.

When I am filled full of fears & limiting beliefs, fulfilment is forsaken.

I am the fulfilment of my Soul’s Vision for my Self.

Unless, that is, I believe otherwise.