Being Happy

Being Happy is my natural state of being.

It is experienced in physical life as a triune reality of being content, fulfilled & joyful.

It requires the attainment of contentment, fulfilment & joy.

I do not have to find my happiness.

I cannot lose it, I can only disconnect from it.

Physical life has many ways of disconnecting me from my true source of happiness.

Reconnecting to my happiness requires my contentment with physical life or my state of being content.

It requires my fulfilment or my state of being fulfilled with my vision for my life.

It requires my joy or my joyful state of being in balance & harmony with my Self.

Seeking happiness is a statement of my being unhappy and will attract only unhappy experiences.

I cannot be unfulfilled with an abundance of joy.

When I feel my awareness of abundance & the joy of being consciously fulfilled with my contentment at having enough, I will find that my happiness is always present.