The Science of Being Less Miserable

The Science of Being Less Miserable is called Psychology.

The aim of psychologists is to make people happier.

It has taken a century of psycho-analysis to discover that you cannot make other people happy.

All that psychologists can hope to do is to make people less miserable.

The antidote to misery is fun & pleasure.

Unfortunately fun & pleasure are not a gateway to Happiness, just a pathway to being less miserable.

Fun & pleasure are a treatment for misery.

Unfortunately when the fun is over the misery returns.

Laughter and tears are not signs of happiness but the effect of releasing stuck negative emotional energy.

It is my negative emotional energy that creates my own misery.

My misery will return as long as the negative belief that is creating the negative emotion still resides within my sub-conscious mind.

My True Happiness lies beyond my fears, my limiting beliefs and my unmet emotional needs.