
Fulfilment is doing enough in my conscious mental experience of life.

In my mental vision of life, I see my path before me.

My life path is the fulfilment of my vision.

The fulfilment of my path in life is my vision.

Taking enough action to follow my path each day allows the fulfilment of my vision to be experienced each and every day.

Fulfilment is an emotional feeling as well as an intellectual concept.

It is the positive emotion of taking one further step closer to realising my vision.

Every single step on my path is fulfilling.

Fulfilment is my authority to follow my path as it endorses my alignment.

I cannot experience too much fulfilment.

It is being filled full of the appreciation that my Soul has for my self for undertaking this journey of co-operative expansive growth.

I cannot expand, grow & appreciate without feeling my Soul’s fulfilment of my vision and my fulfilment of my purpose my Self.