
Contentment is being consciously aware of my happiness.

When I am conscious of having enough, I am happy.

When I am aware of my abundance, I am happy.

Discontentment arises from my belief that I am not satisfied with what I have.

When I know that I have enough of everything, I feel abundant and I am content.

I cannot be content unless I am conscious of having enough and aware of my abundance.

When my sub-conscious decides what is enough for me, I will never be satisfied.

I am sub-consciously driven to meet my emotional needs.

Whatever I believe that I need is a statement of not having enough and not being content.

My Soul knows what is enough for my Self.

My Soul is ever content.

My Soul provides the content for my life.

Contentment is accepting the content that is being provided.

When I am content with the contents of my life, I am in gratitude & appreciation of my Soul’s provision for my Self.

Happiness requires my alignment with my Soul’s contentment.

An abundance of contentment is always enough.