As A Rule

As A Rule, we tend to do unto others as they have done unto us.

This is because our sub-conscious programming is based on our past experiences.

I have been taught from an early age to stand up for myself and give as good, or bad, as I get.

Disconnected & unawakened from the Presence of Source, we tend to project into our future a set of actions that are based on our past experiences.

We are taught to avenge our misfortune and take sweet revenge on those who trespass against us.

In a christian society, we adopt the old testament teachings of an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth, rather than the ‘Good News’ of the Gospels containing the 2nd Commandment of Jesus.

The 2nd Commandment of Jesus Is the Golden Rule.

As a rule, we are told to Love thy Neighbour as our Self.

As a rule, we are not taught how to love our Self.

Instead, we learn how to hate our Self.

As a rule, I dislike others in the way that I am unlike my true Self.

As a rule, we are not being unto others as we would choose others to be unto us.