Justice Just Is

Justice is a judgment of what is good, right & beneficial for me.

When life goes bad, wrong & detrimental, there appears to be no apparent justice.

In the absence of intuitively knowing what is right, feeling what is good and seeing what is beneficial, I need the truth to be acknowledged and justified by an external authority. An external authority, called a Judge, is determined, dedicated and committed to finding the reality of what is believed to be the true facts.

As real facts are a true version of a personal perspective, a common standard is required to define justice. The current common standard is called Common Law. The standard of common behaviour deemed to be good, right and beneficial for all, is called Common Law.

As it can never be certain what is actually good, right & beneficial for everyone, common laws are continuously changing. Whereas laws are deemed to be a personal standard, they are in fact imposed boundaries. Boundaries imposed by law are what a society believes to be the acceptable behaviour of its own people and other people residing within the that society’s national boundaries.

Justice is the imposition of boundaries, which are enforceable by law, when crossed by one person to the detriment of another. The Scales of Justice are believed to be balanced, once a villain is punished and a victim is compensated. The common law justice system is there to determine who is the villain and whom is the victim.

Life Just Is a learning experience. When I am given someone else’s boundaries as my personal standards, I never learn to own my own standards of behaviour and I never learn to own my own beliefs. I never learn to take responsibility for my own life with my own authority of choice.

When we each take responsibility for our actions, in alignment with the authority of our own beliefs that align with our own personal standards, we are each individually empowered to experience what is beneficially good & therefore right for our Self.

Natural Justice, just is allowed to occur naturally when we are all individually learning what is actually right, good and beneficial for our Self.

The Universal Just-Is System is the Law of Attraction, which automatically unites right standards with right actions, good behaviour with good beliefs and beneficial experiences with beneficial intentions.

I punish myself with the detrimental experience of my wrong actions determined by my bad beliefs and my low standards. When I am only attracting people with similar right beliefs and good standards of behaviour, I no longer need to enforce any boundaries; so common law becomes unnecessary.

When I do unto others as I would have others do unto me, I set a Golden Standard of what I am receiving from others, by what I am giving to others. This Golden Rule is the Universal Law of Attraction in action. When I follow this golden rule, I set my standard of behaviour in alignment with the boundaries that are acceptable to other people and, by the law of attraction, this is what I experience. When I never cross another’s boundary, they never get cross with me. When another never crosses my boundaries, I never get cross with them.

When whatever I am experiencing appears to be wrong, bad or detrimental to me, I know that I have attracted this to myself and therefore the standard of my beliefs is below my own expectation for my own ideal life.

Every time that I am a victim of whatever is occurring in my life, I am aware that I am the villain who attracted it into my experience. I am also aware that if I am creating a negative experience, I can also create a positive experience instead. With a better belief, a better standard and a better perspective, I intuitively see how Life Just Is being created by Me, for me.

When Life Just Is, then Life is Just.