"Love thy Neighbour as Thyself"

When Jesus said: “Love thy neighbour as thyself”, he was speaking from the perspective of his Soul.

Our Soul unconditionally loves our Self, infinitely, eternally and continuously.

Our Soul is at one with all other Souls as well as our Self.

Our True Nature is to be at One with all others.

Other people are just a reflection of our Self.

Our love for our neighbour is always a direct reflection of our love for our Self.

To unconditionally ‘Love our Self’ is to unite our Self with our Soul.

In unity with our Soul, we access our full authority, which connects us to our unlimited power.

The paradox is that only when we love our Self can we access the Power of Love, which is our Love for our Self.

Only when we love our Self unconditionally, as our Soul loves our Self, can we unconditionally love our neighbour as our Self.

The extent to which we are disconnected from other people is the magnitude of the disconnection from our True Self.

The Golden Rule is: “Love thy Self”.