Doing Good

Doing Good is the act of Being Good.

Doing Good is the Golden Rule in action.

When I do good unto others, others do good unto me.

But how do I know what is Good?

What I want others to do unto me, I consider good.

But what I want others to do to me changes from moment to moment, is never consistent and is always unpredictable.

How can I know what to do unto others, what others want, when most of the time I don’t really know what I want from them?

Mostly I want others to meet my emotional needs.

When they do it is good for me and when they don’t it is bad for me; but this is neither doing Good nor being Good.

Needing other people to meet my emotional needs is not Good for me, it creates a dependency that I do not want.

Doing Good is not about other people.

Doing Good is the action by which I am able to express and experience Being in an emotional state of Goodness.

I Do Good because it is an expression of who I am.

I have no emotional need to express and experience my Goodness.

My Goodness has True Value.

I express and experience the true value of my state of Goodness automatically whenever I am Doing Good.