The Golden Ratio

In a two dimensional world with a singular reality, the Golden Ratio is always 50:50 or 1:1.

One to one or fifty-fifty is equal shares. Everything is balanced and equal.

In a three dimensional world of dual reality the Golden Ratio becomes nearer 60:40 and everything becomes individual and unique.

Three dimensional dual reality allows the unity of oneness, the choice of twoness and the equality of threeness.

Physical beauty and Attraction are synonymous with the Golden Ratio of 1:1.618, which is also .618:1 or 61.8%:38.2%.

When we see the relative world of dual reality as a triality with 3 dimensions, the Golden Ratio becomes: .618:1:1.618, which is also .191:.309:.5 or 19.1%:30.9%:50%.

It is this formula that creates the 80:20 rule (80.9%:19.1%) where 20% 0f the world owns 80% of the wealth.

The Golden Ratio follows the formula: (a+b/a)=(a/b)=(b+c/b)=(b/c)=1.618.

Everything appears to be out of balance but is in fact perfectly balanced.

When a=.5; b=.309; c=.191; then a+b+c=1=100%

The formula for all Trialities in a dualistic world is therefore: c+b=a.

Combining aspect ‘c’ with aspect ‘b’ brings the system back into balance with ‘a’.

When we combine aspect ‘a’ with aspect ‘b’, the system gets way out of balance with ‘c’.