God is Good

In an Absolute World, God is Good.

God & Good are the same.

In an Absolute World, being Good is a Divine experience of being God.

There is no other way to be.

In a relative world of dual reality, god is either good or bad.

When I see god as either good or bad, I judge god.

When I see god as only good, I judge god to be less than everything.

When god is seen as less than All That Is, god is no longer Good and no longer God.

When god is everything that is both good & bad, I have relegated god to live in a world of duality.

The Absolute World of God is beyond the dual reality existence of physical life that is experienced as either good or bad.

To live in God’s World, Heaven, I am required to overcome the duality that allows life to be good or bad because God is only and always Good.

Good & bad is just a relative perspective, whereas Good is a state of Beingness that is Divine.