The Name of God

God has no name, until I define God in relationship to my Self.

Defining God allows God to be definitely in my reality.

Until then, God is not real.

Naming God defines God.

God is both the creator and that which is created.

Everything that is created as reality is a creation of the creator.

God is the All of Everything that is Universal – the One Version of Everything.

God is both the creator of the universe and the creation that is the universe.

I am both a part of the creator and the creator of a part of the universe.

The part of the universe that I am a part of, is my soul creation.

I am the creator of my own reality that is a part of the one version of reality that is the multiverse.

Being apart from my creator is essential to my experience of my part of the creation.

My Soul created my Self that I may experience being made in the image of God.

My Soul & God are inseparable.

The Name of God is of my Creation & is my Creator.