1st Cause

1st Cause is the creator.

The first cause that the Creator created is the effect of duality.

The Creator caused the effect of duality.

The effect of duality is choice.

Choice allows a choice of effects.

A choice of effects allows a choice of causes.

We are all at choice causing the effect of our own reality.

The Creator is 1st Cause.

My Soul is 2nd Cause.

My Soul causes the effects that my Self experiences.

My Spirit is the cause, my Physicality is the effect.

Physicality is the effect of a spiritual cause.

My spiritual cause is physical life.

When my physicality & my spirituality are in harmony, I am the creator of my own reality.

I can cause my reality to happen, I can experience the effect of the reality that I cause, or I can be the creator of my own reality.