God’s Work

We are all doing God’s Work.

Some do it consciously, some do it sub-consciously, others do it with conscious-awareness.

Some do it with pride, some do it with humility, others do it with acceptance.

Some work hard at it, some are slothful, others do it effortlessly.

Some do it with kindness, some do it with envy, others choose it with gratitude.

Some do it with anger, some do it with patience, others do it with fulfilment.

Some like to control it, some are controlled by it, others allow it to unfold naturally.

God’s Work is the Divine Plan and everything is always in alignment with the Divine Plan.

God’s plan is for each individual Soul to have Choice. It is through the choice of each individual Soul that God will come to know who God Is.

The All That Is will Realise the extent of All That Is.

With each Soul’s individual choice is created a unique, exclusive and individual Reality that is the expression of that Soul’s creative ability.

God’s Reality is the sum total of the creative experiences of All Souls.

Whether aware or not, there is no one and no thing that is not in service to God and doing God’s work in order to allow God to experience the Realisation of God according to the Divine Plan.

We are all doing God’s Work whether we realise it or not.