My Purpose for God

When I am busy seeking a purpose for my Self, I am too busy to ask:

“What is my Purpose for God”?

Unless I ask this question, God will have no purpose in my life, no definition in my life and no reason to be in my life.

God does not choose a purpose for my life, I do.

God does not choose the purpose for being in my life, I do.

God does not choose for God to be in my life, I do.

God does not make my choices for me, I do.

My Purpose for God is:

  • To be the Omniscient Light that reveals my path
  • To be the Omnipotent Power that is my support
  • To be the Omnipresent Ability to which I aspire
  • To be the Ideal One, in whose image I am made
  • To be the Magnitude of the Guiding Force that empowers me to fulfil my potential

I choose my Purpose for God.

I choose for God to be On Purpose.