Playing God & Being God

Playing God is a drama.

Playing God is playing the role that we think that God is playing.

It is a reality where God creates everything that occurs in life.

When I play God I create what is occurring to other people in my life.

I assume responsibility for what happens in the lives of people over whom I have influence.

This drama requires a state of judgment, greed, wrath, pride and many other sinful attributes.

Being God is a state of Beingness that is Divine.

Divine states of Being are attained by overcoming the sins and virtues of physical life.

Being God is attained with the creation of my own personal reality and by taking responsibility for the reality that I am creating.

Living in someone else’s reality is not divine.

Being God is taking responsibility for creating my own reality.

Playing God is taking responsibility for creating other people’s reality.

God doesn’t play God.

God just Is.