My Self & God

My Self believes that I am disconnected from God.

My belief is created by the experience of being disconnected from God.

Being born into the physical world allows the experience of being disconnected from God.

It is only in my disconnection that I can come to know experientially who God is and who I am.

To experience being God, I first have to experience not being God.

The only way that I can experience not being who I really am is to be born into physical life.

It is in the separation from who I am that I am able to experience who I am by experiencing who I am not.

When I am not feeling my Self, I am in God’s Presence.

When I am not feeling God’s Presence, I am disconnected from God and just being my Self.

Just being my Self is selfish.

Being Truly Selfish is being my True Self, which is my Divine State of Being that reconnects me with God.

My Soul has no disconnection from God.

I connect with God when being my Soul.

My Soul is my True Self.