3 Fundamental Questions

1. “Does my power come from money”? or “Does the power of my emotions attract everything that I need in a positive way”?

The answer will determine the source of my emotional power. Do I choose to be materially rich or emotionally wealthy? Does my power come from a physical source or an emotional source?

2. “Does my status in society give me authority and influence”? or “Does the authority of my choice make me influential”?

The answer will determine the source of my mental authority. Do I seek influence over my own life or other people’s lives? Do I operate under my own authority or someone else’s?

3. “Does my knowledge and my education decide my ability in life”? or “Is my ability in life in direct relationship to my own personal power and authority”?

The answer will determine the source of my physical ability. Do I choose to achieve succes through my own endeavours or the endeavours of other people? Do I choose to fulfil my vision, mission and purpose for this life, or someone else’s?