Scot Free

Being Scot Free is being tax free.

When I am tax free, no duty is payable and no levy is chargeable.

I have no duty to pay, when I no longer follow the authority of another.

It is not my duty to follow another’s path, unless I believe it to be so.

When I pay duty to another’s authority, my emotional energy is taxed.

My duty to others is a limiting belief that taxes my emotional energy.

My emotional needs are the result of the power that I lose in tax, due to the duty I believe that I have to pay.

When I need another to meet my need for emotional energy, there is a duty to be paid and a charge to be met.

When I believe that I am dependent on another, they will levy a tax on my emotional attachment to them.

I am never energetically free until I am scot free of the limiting beliefs and emotional needs that imprison me in the dramas in my life.