Freedom Of Perspective 

With Freedom of Perspective, I have the freedom of choice.

I always have freedom of choice, but my perspective determines whether I exercise that choice freely.

Unless my perspective is that of a spiritually free person, I am a slave to my perspective.

I am a prisoner of a three dimensional physical life of relative dual reality.

I am confined by the beliefs that form my perspective & a victim of my fears.

When I believe that I am a victim of life, I am.

When I believe that I have to make life happen, I do.

When I am being faithful to my path, I am.

Only when I am consciously creating my life, with awareness of my spiritual path, is my perspective free.

Unless I know that I am free to create & experience my own reality, I am not.

Unless I perceive the path of effortless flow, I will resist it.

When my perspective is blocked, so is my path.

When my perspective is free, so am I.

Freedom is just a perspective!