Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech is not granted or inhibited by someone else.

It is attained when my ‘Speech’ allows my ‘Freedom’.

When I am no longer a slave to what I say, I attain freedom of speech.

When my speech expresses my freedom, I have freedom of speech.

When my speech expresses my limitations, I have lost my freedom of speech.

Limitations are not my truth and they will limit my freedom.

Boundaries are not my truth and they will limit my freedom.

When I speak of my boundaries and my limitations, my speech is limiting my freedom.

When I believe that I have freedom of speech, I believe that I have been granted it and that I may lose it.

When I know that I have freedom of speech, I know that my speech always liberates me, because it is always an expression of my Truth.

I am always free to speak my Truth.

I can only speak my Truth once I know my Truth.