Freedom of Action

Few people believe in Freedom of Action.

Most people believe that being able to do whatever you choose, whenever you want, should not be allowed.

To this end, every nation, society, religion, culture, creed and civilisation has made rules and laws governing what Man can and cannot do.

We are only free to do within our society what our society declares we are free to do.

We are only free to act with what the consensus of people, within our society, have deemed to be correct and lawful behaviour.

When we act in a way that is seen to be detrimental to others, our freedom to act is taken away.

Society believes that the only way that we can be free to act is to have our freedom to act limited by society.

Normal actions are allowed and abnormal actions are disallowed.

Creativity is stifled when new actions have first to be vetted and approved.

Acting from personal truth is discouraged in favour of the belief in the right actions of a just society.

A just society does not allow freedom of action.