The Sense Of Aesthesia

The Sense of Aesthesia is Sensual, Sensitive & Sensational. An aesthetic experience uses all the senses in a sensual, sensitive and sensational way.

  • I am physically sensual in a sensationally sensitive way
  • I am emotionally sensitive to sensual sensations
  • I am mentally sensational with sensitive sensuality

When I am aesthetically grounded & balanced, I have a happy sense of physical contentment, mental fulfilment and emotional joy.

  • Emotional joy is a sensual sensation
  • Mental fulfilment is a sensual sensitivity
  • Physical contentment is a sensitive sensation

When I am aesthetically balanced, yet unable to ground my thoughts or earth my emotions, I experience the intensity of my:

  • Sensationally sensual Bliss
  • Sensually sensitive Euphoria
  • Sensitively sensational Ecstasy

Anchoring my ecstasy satisfies my physical contentment, grounding my euphoria is mentally fulfilling and earthing my bliss is emotionally joyful.

Physically sensual experiences require the use of my five physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell & touch.

Mentally sensational experiences require the use of my four instinctive senses of balance, temperature, movement & power.

Emotionally sensitive experiences require the use of my three intuitive senses of seeing, feeling & knowing.

  • Sensual touch is physical
  • Sensitive feelings are emotional
  • Sensational thoughts are mental
  • Aesthetic senses are spiritual

The more sensitively sensational my physical senses, the more sensual my experience.

The more sensually sensitive my instinctive senses, the more sensational my thoughts.

The more sensationally sensual my intuitive senses, the more sensitive my emotional feelings.

Aesthetically, my sense of touch can be physical, mental or emotional:

  • Sensitivity touches me emotionally
  • Sensation touches me mentally
  • Sensuality touches me physically

Aesthetically my sense of taste affects me physically, mentally & emotionally:

  • My emotional taste affects my emotional feelings
  • My physical taste affects my physical experiences
  • My mental taste affects my mental thoughts

Aesthetically, the senses that are common to all are the common Senses of Aesthesia.