The Actual Act Of Acting

The Actual Act of Acting requires Action, Activity & Activation. The mental activity of thought causes the emotional activation of feeling, through the physical experience of action.

  • Activating activity allows physical action
  • Activation of action activates mental activity
  • Activity in action approves emotional activation

The emotional activation of mental activity enables physical action, the mental activity of emotional activation empowers physical action and the physical action of mental activity authorises the activation of emotional power.

  • Action is physically actionable experience
  • Activity is mentally active thought
  • Activation activates emotional feeling
  • Actually acting is a spiritual act

I actively activate a physical action, I activate the action of mental activity and I action the activity of emotional activation. Actively actioning the active act of activation of activity in action is a proverb with adverbs qualifying verbs and adjectives describing nouns.

I describe my emotional state of being with actively, active, actionable adjectives; I state what I am mentally doing with an acting, activating, actioning verb; and I acknowledge what I physically have with an action, activity, activation noun.

I define my Role as an Actor, as one who physically acts; my Role as an Activist, as one who emotionally activates; and my Role as an Activator as one who mentally actions.

  • The activation of activity is a physical action
  • The action of activating is a mental activity
  • The activity of action is an emotional activation

The Actual Act of Acting requires capacity, competence & capability:

  • Action requires physical capability
  • Activity requires mental capacity
  • Activation requires emotional competence

The action of acting is a physically capable act, actively active thought is the capacity of mental activity and being activated with actual feeling is an emotional activation.

  • Physical action is relative to physical capability
  • Mental activity is relative to mental capacity
  • Emotional activation is relative to emotional competence
  • Spiritual actualisation is relative to the capability of competent capacity

Competent emotional activation, with the capacity of mental activity, allows the capability of actual physical action.

  • Incapability disables physical action
  • Incapacity disallows mental activity
  • Incompetence disapproves of emotional activation

A Dramatist re-activates the emotional trauma of mental fears as physical dramas.

An Activist reacts with physical drama to the mental terror of emotional trauma.

A Novelist re-creates the dramatic action of virtual trauma as a fictional experience.

An Actor physically re-enacts the emotional dramas of their mental experiences.

An Actualiser creates the real experience of the emotional activation of mental activity as a physical action.