The Validation Of Providence

Validation is the experience of being well grounded in physical reality.

Providence is the Universal Provider of physically real experiences. The experience of physical reality is provided, providentially, by Providence.

The Validation of Providence requires the triune attributes of being Allowing, being Approving & being Accepting.

  • Being Allowing & Accepting validates my Approval
  • Being Approving & Allowing validates my Acceptance
  • Being Accepting & Approving validates my Allowance

My Spiritual Allowance is valid when I mentally allow it, emotionally approve it and physically accept it.

  • I disallow my allowance, when I disapprove and find it unacceptable
  • I disapprove of providence when I disallow it as unacceptable
  • Validation is unacceptable for whatever I disapprove or disallow as invalid

My Allowance is the provision provided through the validation of the Providence of my Soul. My Soul provides whatever my Self allows. What my Self allows becomes my allowance and what my Soul provides is the Soul’s provision, which is Providence. When I approve of the Providence of my Soul, I allow my allowance and I accept the provision that my Soul is providing for its Self.

Disapproving & disallowing is the resistance that I am expressing, which invalidates my allowance, when my provision appears to be unacceptable.

The ego self is always at choice. I can choose to accept of reject, approve or disapprove, allow or resist whatever providence is providing as my allowance.

Providence is the Universal Provider of Abundance. Provision flows abundantly from the Provider, when there is no resistance. The ego has the choice to go without, to provide for itself or to allow the provision provided by Providence.

When the Self is expressing its belief in the scarcity of too little & not enough, or the gluttony of too much and more than enough in excess; it disallows the abundant content of always having enough of everything that is ever needed. When I have enough, I am content with the abundant opportunities in life for the provision of my allowance.

When I allow life to happen through me; by being unconditionally accepting, allowing & approving of whatever providence provides; every experience is certainly beneficially valid.

The experience of an effortlessly abundant life of valid opportunities is the validation for the validity of Providence.