The Synchronicity Of Co-incidence

The Synchronicity of Co-incidence is the correlation of concurrent co-existence through the chance of a fortuitous destiny. Co-incidence is in synchronisation when it correlates in time, with a concurrent space, in a co-existing reality.

When I mentally correlate my time, within my emotionally concurrent space, I co-exist within a synchronised reality that is co-incidental with everyone else.

It is no co-incidence that with synchronicity:

  • Time correlates with spacial reality
  • Space concurs with real time
  • Reality co-exists in space-time

The paradox of space-time-reality is that co-incidence is no co-incidence, when I am aware of the reality of my own time & space being synchronised with synchronicity.

The physical reality of my mental time in emotional space is my chance for a fortuitous destiny, without the risk of a misfortunate fate.

My chance is always a real opportunity in the now of time and the here of space. I have the opportunity to see chance as a danger and a problem, a risk and a challenge or as the chance of an opportunity to experience a fortuitous destiny.

  • Seeing chance as a problem is an unfortunate mistake
  • Seeing chance as a challenge can result in misfortune
  • Seeing chance as an opportunity is ever fortuitous

The fortuitous chance of synchronised co-incidence is a sign-post to my destiny:

  • It is my destiny to see chance as lucky & fortuitous
  • It is my fate to see chance as an unlucky misfortunate challenge
  • It is my doom to see chance as a problem of bad luck

My destiny is synchronised with the co-incidence of chance and the fortune of fortitude.

  • My fortuitous choice of chance is destined to synchronistically co-incide with my fortune
  • My fortitude is the synchronised co-incidence of chance with destiny
  • My destiny is to fortuitously synchronise my co-incidental opportunities, every chance I get

Unaware of the correlation of concurrent co-existence that is space-time-reality, I am unaware of any chance of a fortuitous destiny and synchronicity is seen as just a co-incidence.

Without an awareness of the synchronicity of space-time-reality, co-incidence happens to me by chance, without fortitude, and by fate.

Without an awareness of my fortitude, my fortune becomes unfortunate, my destiny becomes my fate and my fate can easily become my doom; being relative to how lucky or unlucky I believe myself to be. When my destiny is left to my fate, my fortitude is doomed with every risked chance ending in misfortune. Any fortunate lucky chance is seen as a co-incidence without being co-incidental, and we call that incident an accident.

Every opportune co-incidence is synchronised with every fortuitous incident in a combined space-time-reality, in which every chance of a fortuitous destiny is realised.