The Reality Of Self Actualisation

The Reality of Self Actualisation becomes real when I actualise my Self. What I actually actualise in my Self is the quality of my attributable attainments.

  • Attainments are attributable qualities
  • Attributes are quality attainments
  • Qualities are attainable attributes

Actualising my Self is actually realising my True Self. Actually realising who my true Self is in reality, is Self Actualisation; which is relative to the quality of the attributes that I actually attain.

  • An Attainment is an attribute that I can actually express
  • A Quality is the actual expression of an attainable attribute
  • An Attribute is a quality attainment that is attributable to my Self

The quality of my experience of reality is relative to the quality of the attributes that I have attained. Attaining an attribute requires the ability to consciously choose to express it. The quality of an attribute is determined by my conscious choice to attain it.

An ideal attribute is a quality attainment. Attaining quality attributes is an ideal expression of my Actual Self. I actualise my Self by consciously choosing to express the awareness of the quality of the attributes attained. I attain a quality attribute by actually choosing it. When I consciously choose a quality attributable attainment to express, it actualises the reality of my Actual Self.

  • For a quality to be real, it must be attained & attributable
  • For an attainment to be real, it must be an attributable quality
  • For an attribute to be really attributable, it must be a quality attainment

A quality attributable attainment is a quality attainable attribute that I realise and attain, by actually attributing it to my Self as an expression of my quality.

Self actualisation is becoming conscious of who my actual Self really is. Self realisation is becoming aware of who my real Self actually is.

My Real Self is not actually real until I actualise my Self in actual reality by realising who my real Self actually is. Realising the activation of the quality of my attributable attainments, the attainment of my quality attributes and the attributes of my attainable qualities; is the Reality of Self Actualisation.

My Real Self is a Creation of my Actual Self, the Creator. When I express the quality of the attributes that I have attained as my created reality, I realise who my Actual Self really is.