The Matter Of Actualising Spirit

Spirit is the Spiritual Energy of all energy, matter & motion.

Spirit is:

  • The Energy of matter in motion, of Space-Time-Reality
  • The Energy of motion in matter, of Force, Magnitude & Potential
  • The Matter of energy in motion, of Thought, Emotion & Experience
  • The Matter of motion in energy, of Love, Light & Life
  • The Motion of energy in matter, of Frequency, Wavelength & Vibration
  • The Motion of matter in energy, of time, speed & distance

Spirit is: E = Energy of Love, M = Matter of Life, C = Motion of Light

  • The Energy of Love is a magnitude of distance in space that is a relative wavelength of emotion
  • The Motion of Light is a force of thought with a frequent frequency of time
  • The Matter of Life is a potential speed of vibration that is a relative experience of reality

The Ancient Greek Philosophers understood the Four Elementary Dimensions of the growth of thoughtful feeling experiences:

  • Thought is the mindful motion of Water or Nous
  • Feeling is the emotional energy of Air or Pneuma
  • Experience is the physical matter of Earth or Soma
  • Growth is the spiritual expansiveness of Fire or Psyche

Greek Philosophy is the innate Love of ‘Philos’ with the innate Wisdom (Light) of ‘Sophia’. Love & Light is the Life of a True Philosopher.

The Ability of Matter is relative to the Power of its Energy and the Authority of its choice of Motion. This is how the Soul actually actualises its Self with Spirit, to create the spirituality of its Spiritual Reality. In physical experience, the Self realises that it is an individual, unique & exclusive Creation of a Sole Creator (Soul).

The Soul is the Source Of Unlimited Love, Light, Life & Learning and the Sole Source Of Learning Energy.