The Nature Of Abundance

Abundance is the triune reality of Presence, Contentment & Enough.

Abundance is the nature of the Universe. When enough content is present, the universe is naturally abundant.

The nature of abundance is that enough content is present. When enough abundance is present, I am content. An abundant presence of contentment is definitely enough.

  • Abundance is the mental contentment of enough
  • Abundance is the emotional presence of feeling content with enough of everything in each moment of time
  • Abundance is the physical present of enough material content

My abundant nature always has enough content present. The nature of enough is that contentment is present. The nature of contentment is having enough presenting itself in the present moment as a gift & a present.

When I am physically, mentally & emotionally content and I am also emotionally, mentally & physically present, spiritual abundance is infinitely, eternally & continuously enough.

Spiritual abundance is being content with enough in the present moment. Abundance is natural when enough contentment is present. An abundant nature is present when I am content with enough.

Having less than enough and wanting more than enough, both limit the presence & contentment of having enough.

Abundance flows naturally through me, when I have the presence to be content with enough.