The Certainty Of Faith

Faith is a triune reality of clarity, direction & presence.

  • With clear direction, faith is certain
  • With direction present, faith is certain
  • With clarity present, faith is certain

The only certainty is my faith in my intuition:

  • My intuitive knowing is my direction. It directs me directly in a faithful mental direction
  • My intuitive feeling is my clarity. It clearly empowers my emotional clarity.
  • My intuitive seeing presents my path. It presents with physical presence in each present moment of time.

My faith is certainly intuitive, my intuition is certainly faithful and my certainty is in my intuitive faith.

Without faith, I am often uncertain and without certainty, I am often unfaithful to my path. Without clarity, direction & presence; I am lost confused & frustrated:

  • Being confused is without certain clarity
  • Being lost is without certain direction
  • Being frustrated is being without the presence of certainty

With direction, clarity & presence, I am certainly faithful to my journey through life. I am certain that my journey through life is the chosen path of my Soul. I have faith in the path of my Soul being certainly beneficial. I faithfully follow a beneficial path with certainty.

  • My Soul directs my path with intuitive knowing
  • My Soul clarifies my path with intuitive feeling
  • My Soul presents my path with intuitive insight, you see

When I lose my faith, I default to foresight or hindsight, as I have no certain insight.

When I have intuitive faith, I am certain of my faith and I have faith in the certainty of my path.