The Integrity Of Truth

In Truth, Integrity requires transparency, honesty, accountability, sincerity, credibility, & wisdom. They are all integral to my truth.

  • My honesty is transparent and my transparency is honest
  • My sincerity is accountable and my accountability is sincere
  • My credibility is wise and my wisdom is credible
  • My integrity is accountable, transparent & wise
  • My truth is honest, sincere & credible
  • My integrity has honesty, sincerity & credibility
  • My truth has accountability, transparency & wisdom
  • I intuitively know the credibility of my wisdom
  • I intuitively feel the sincerity of my accountability
  • I intuitively see the honesty of my transparency

The Truth is that the Oneness of my Integrity has many perspectives that I perceive in many ways. I have only one true path, yet many ways to perceive it.

Truth or untruth is a judgment that will always take me out of integrity. Relative truth & untruth is subject to an objective perspective, with either a positive or a negative polarity.

True integrity is beyond judgment. My path is the subject of my life journey and my objective is to walk my path with truth & integrity.

Truth & integrity illuminate my path, for my Self to follow. Honesty, sincerity, credibility, transparency, accountability & wisdom are all signposts on my journey.

The Truth of the Soul is expressed through the Integrity of the Self. When my integrity is true, I am at One with my Soul. When I am aligned with my Soul’s Truth, I am at One and in Integrity with my Self.

My true oneness with my Soul expresses my integrity with my Self. The Truth is integral to my path because it follows the Truth of my Integrity.