The Zenith Of Beauty

The Zenith is the high point of the heavens. Beauty is the aesthetic experience of Heaven on Earth. A beautiful experience is a heavenly experience.

Beauty requires a triune reality of Virtue, Purity & Attraction.

  • Pure Attraction is a beautiful Virtue
  • Virtual Purity is beautifully Attractive
  • Attractive Virtue is Pure beauty

Virtue is a pure emotion, which is very attractive and very beautiful.

Purity is an attractive thought, which is very virtuous and very beautiful.

Attraction is a virtual experience, which is very pure and very beautiful.

The zenith of my beauty is being emotionally virtuous with a pure mentality that is physically attractive.

Attraction can be attractive & beautiful, non-attractive & plain or unattractive & ugly.

Purity can be pure with a true identity or impure when personalised by its gender or polarised by its character.

Virtue is beautiful when it is truly virtuous, saintly when it is opposed to sin and sinful when it is negatively masculine or virtually unreal.

The beauty of physical attraction is its perception of emotional virtue through its perspective of mental purity.

The beauty of mental purity is its feeling of emotional virtue through its experience of physical attraction.

The beauty of emotional virtue is seeing the mental purity of its physical attraction.

  • Purity is a mental perspective of heavenly beauty
  • Virtue is an emotional perception of heavenly beauty
  • Attraction is a physical experience of heavenly beauty

I am actually physically attracted to the emotional purity of virtue and the mental virtue of purity because of the spiritual beauty of the experience.