The Inspiration Of Choice

Choice is a potential for all Human Beings. All human beings have choice but not all choice is inspired.

An inspired choice is authorised, empowered and positively enabled. A positively enabled choice is good, right & beneficial for me. It is not possible for an inspired choice to be bad, wrong and detrimental with negative consequences. It is possible though, to see whatever is beneficially occurring with a negative perspective.

Seeing the inspiration of my choice, whilst feeling the power of my choice, is how I intuitively know it is beneficial for my Self. An inspired choice has the authority of being aligned with the integrity of my Truth. My Truth is what aligns me with the choice of my Soul or True Self. My Soul always inspires its Self with positively beneficial choices that are aligned with a true vision & purpose.

My ego sense of Self, when unawakened to its Soul purpose, often makes detrimental choices for itself. The Soul gives its Self unconditional choice, yet only empowers choices that the Soul itself inspires.

  • An empowered choice is authorised & enabled
  • An authorised choice is empowered & enabled
  • An enabled choice is authorised & empowered

Without the wise authority of my Soul, my emotional power is not physically enabled and without power, my choice is not authorised. I am always able to make a choice but that choice is not always divinely enabled with power & authority.

When my emotional power and my mental authority are divinely beneficial and effortlessly enabled, my choice is inspired. When my choice is not inspired, it is not empowered and is therefore not a powerfully creative choice.

Paradoxically, unempowered choices need will power to enable them to be activated. Following other people’s true authority is not an empowered choice. When I am inspired by my own choice, I choose not to follow other people’s authority. When another’s authority & choice feels good, then I am inspired to follow it as my own choice. Being inspired to follow another’s choice is always a good & beneficial choice. I am only ever inspired by my Soul, never other people. Without inspiration, my choice is not empowered and when others choose for me to follow their choice, they will have to motivate me in some way, to do so.

My inspiration of choice is always an empowered, enabled and authorised opportunity for spiritual development & growth.