Being The Creation Of A Creative Creator

Being the creator of a creative creation requires me to be the creation of a creative creator, who is creatively creating a creation.

  • A Being is a Creation
  • A Being is a Creative
  • A Being is a Creator

Creating a creation requires a creative creator. A creative creator is required to be: Actual, Authentic & Real.

  • By Being Actual, I am really authentic
  • By Being Authentic, I am actually real
  • By Being Real, I am authentically actual

I actually create with my thoughts, I authentically create with my feelings and I really create through my experiences. Thoughtful feeling experiences are how a creator creates creations.

  • Being Actual is a mental thought
  • Being Authentic is an emotional feeling
  • Being Real is a physical experience
  • Being Creative is the physical experience, of mentally thoughtful emotional feelings, of empowered inspiration

An Adjective State of Being is an emotional feeling. An adjective is a describing word. I use an adjective word, an adjective, to describe my emotional state of being. When I describe my emotional state of being, I call it an attribute because I can attribute it to my Self. Creating adjectives is adjectively creative. I am being creative.

A Subjective State of Being is a physical experience, which is the effect of my doing something to cause it. I describe what I do with a doing word, called a verb. I verbalise my creative physical ability. The quality of my physical experience is relative to my ability to verbalise my adjective attributes with my objective attainments and create them.

An Objective State of Being is a mental thought. A noun describes an object and I think of a particular object or objective with a noun. A noun describes both an object and an objective that I have. I obtain an object to have it and I attain an objective that I have. When my objective is to attain a subjective adjective, I attain a quality attribute; by being an adjective subject with subjective creativity.

I creatively create the creation of a creative experience, with the creativity of adjectively Being, subjectively Doing and objectively Having. Emotionally adjective feeling, with mentally objective thought, creates the ability to do a subjective physical experience.

  • Subjective Physical Experience is the Creation
  • Objective Mental Thought is the Creator
  • Adjective Emotional Feeling is the Creativity

I am the Spiritual Creator of every Creative Creation when:

  • My Emotional Attributes are Authentic
  • My Mental Attainments are Actual
  • My Physical Qualities are Real

When I physically realise my actual authenticity, I am able to authenticate my actual reality with emotional power and actualise my real authenticity with mental authority.