Unconditional Giving

Unconditional giving is Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is knowing that whatever turns up in my life is a gift from my Soul.

My Soul gives to my Self unconditionally.

There are no conditions attached to whatever my Soul gives and provides for my Self.

My Soul unconditionally gives my Self opportunities for growth and all the provisions required for my growth.

My Soul cannot give me an opportunity for growth without providing the means for me to grow.

I unconditionally forgive others when I am Accepting of whatever they are doing; Approving of whoever they are Being: and Allowing of whatever path they choose to take.

I can only give my approval, acceptance and allowance to another unconditionally once they are able to receive from me unconditionally.

It is the conditions that prevail in physical life that make Unconditional Giving & Receiving, which is Acceptance & Forgiveness, such difficult attributes to attain.