Initiating The Flow

  • When life happens to me, I resist the flow
  • When life happens by me, I get out of the flow
  • When life happens through me, I go with the flow
  • When life happens as me, I initiate the flow

The flow always originates from Source. Being the Source, initiates the flow. Flow is an initiative of the Soul. Being my Soul initiates the flow. The Soul is a flow of Beingness. Beingness is a flow of energy. My essence expresses the essential nature of the Soul. Being the essence of my Self, initiates the flow. The essential nature of the Soul is a pure energy vibration. Expressing the pure nature of my Soul is my initiative.

My awareness of my initiative is intuitive. Initiating my intuitive nature allows my awareness of the flow. The flow is always present, even when my awareness of the flow is absent.

Being conscious of the fact that life is not flowing effortlessly is a normal experience of life. Being aware that life is flowing effortlessly is the nature of my true experience of life. My true nature is an expression of flow.

Flow is pure energy without entropy, inertia or resistance. Overcoming entropy, inertia & resistance initiates flow.

  • Resistance is the experience of life happening to me
  • Entropy is the chaos of life happening by me
  • Inertia is the stillness of life happening through me
  • Flow is the creativity of life happening as me

Initiating the flow is effortless, which is not easy. Being the pure potential of divinely creative energy, initiates the flow.

  • Opposing the polarity causes resistance
  • Dividing the gender causes entropy
  • Balancing the intensity causes inertia
  • Initiating the beneficial potential of the Soul, creates flow

Flow is the purely beneficial ability of the Soul’s empowered authority.