Personal Flow

Creativity flows as the personal thought of a conscious Mind. Mindful conscious thoughts have creative authority.

Creativity flows as the personal feeling of emotional awareness. The personal feeling of emotional awareness is the creative power of personal authority. In the flow, my personal authority is inspired & empowered.

Creativity flows as the physical experience of mentally conscious thought, with emotionally aware feelings. The presence of personal mental intellect, with the absence of personal intuitive emotion, renders personal authority to be uninspired, unempowered & uncreative.

The conscious-awareness of creatively empowered thought is the essence of personal flow. The four dimensional flow of three dimensional creative energy is beyond the capability of a two dimensional rational intellect,

There are four ways that my perspective of life influences my personal flow. I can:

  • Regulate it
  • Moderate it
  • Facilitate it
  • Generate it

When I regulate the flow, I attempt to normalise what is regularly happening to me. Regulations are regularly imposed onto me, so that normal life happens to me.

When I moderate the flow, I modulate the flow to raise or lower its intensity. I attempt to control the flow, by me moderating it’s intensity.

When I facilitate the flow, I allow it to flow through me with least resistance. The facility of least resistance allows life to effortlessly flow through me.

When I generate the flow, I become the flow as life is happening as me. I generate the generations of life through which I am flowing as the generator of life.

In the personal flow of life, my personal power, authority and ability is my personal choice.