The Intensity of Fear

The intensity of my fear is relative to the intensity of my belief.

A fear is the effect of the belief that causes it.

The more intense my conviction in the truth of my belief, the more intense will be my fear.

The less intense my opinion of the truth of my belief, the less fear I will encounter.

As I change the intensity of my belief, I change the intensity of my fear.

A strong conviction creates a strong resistance to whatever I fear, to the extent that I can become paralysed by a fear.

A conviction follows an accusation and a judgment of what I believe is the cause of my fear.

When I judge the cause of my fear to be outside of myself, I blame it, convict it, condemn it, and lock my belief in the fear away in my sub-conscious mind where it manifests as my reality.

When I see the cause of my fear to be my own belief system, I can confront the belief, challenge the belief, change the belief and dispel the fear instantly.

Fear is just a ‘spell’ of my own experience waiting to be either re-experienced, or dispelled & expelled as false evidence appearing to be real.