The Need for Fear

There is no Need for Fear.

Fear & Need work hand-in-hand to create a belief in evil.

Whatever I fear, I believe to be evil.

Without fear, there is no evil.

Without need, there is no fear.

My fear is re-inforced by whatever I believe that I need emotionally.

Whatever I need emotionally is created by my fear of not having it.

When I do not fear not having something, I do not need it.

I have learned to need something because I have learned to fear not having it.

I can get rid of my emotional need temporarily by meeting my emotional need.

To become permanently free and unattached from my emotional needs, I am required to become free of fear.

The more fearless that I become, the less I need emotionally.

The more emotional power that I have, the less fear I experience.

I will experience needing emotional power as long as I have a fear of not having enough.

When I eliminate the belief, I eliminate the fear, I eliminate the emotional need and I eliminate the need for my fear.

I eliminate all of the false evidence that is appearing to be my reality.