Faith Is?

Faith is knowing my path.

Yet, if I know my path faith is unnecessary.

Faith is knowing that I know my path intuitively.

When I know my path intuitively, I have faith in my inner tutor – my Soul.

In my disconnection from my Soul, I risk putting my trust in someone else’s path.

When my faith is aligned with the path of another, it can become a religion.

Religion is the faith of the many following the one.

Science is the faith of the one following the many.

Faith is the trust of my Soul in its Self.

When I have faith in my Self, I have the faith of my Soul.

My Soul intuitively knows my path.

My Soul faithfully follows my progress.

When I faithfully follow my path, I progress.

Faith is knowing that I have a path and knowing that in each moment I am on my path when I can see with my highest vision.