Religious Belief Or Spiritual Faith

Religious Believers believe that their faith is spiritual. They have no distinction between their spiritual beliefs and their religious faith.

Religion is the belief in an inclusive spiritual path, as defined by their theology. Theology is the study of religious doctrine & dogma, from a rational and logical perspective. Any logic that is rational is believed to be a true teaching and any teachings that are not easily understood require faith.

Religious faith is a blind belief or conviction in what religious theology determines to be true. Religious Believers have faith in their spiritual leaders and their spiritual doctrine. The more faith that they have, the more they trust their own religious convictions and the more those beliefs are tested.

Followers of a religion have religious beliefs and faith in their religion. Their religion is their faith, or so they believe.

Spiritual Faith is an individual, unique and exclusive spiritual path.

Faith is a choice based on a belief. Religious faith chooses religious beliefs. Religious beliefs follow the faith of a religious leader, who models their inclusive path. An inclusive path includes everyone who follows that same religious path, based on the direction of its religious teachings. Religious followers need religious leaders.

Spiritual Faith is an exclusive path. Individual Human Beings each have their own unique path, which is exclusive to them. Our path in life always follows our own choice. For the many, that choice is to follow an inclusive path based on a religious belief. For a few, that exclusive path follows the direction of their own Spiritual Self.

Spiritual Faith is an inner teaching that comes from the Soul via the Heart. This teaching is intuitive, not intellectual. I intellectually reason that the meaning of faith is the path of personal choice. If I have a personal choice, therefore I have chosen a personal purpose. A purpose that is personal to me is unique and exclusively mine.

There may be great comfort in choosing to follow an inclusive religious path with others of the same choice of faith, but it is without the fulfilment of one’s own chosen purpose. My Spiritual Faith is in alignment with my unique life purpose. The way to feel fulfilled with a unique and individually exclusive purpose is to intuitively follow my own path with faith.

Religious belief is a trust in an external teaching.

Spiritual Faith is an intuitive knowing of one’s inner purpose and the unique vision for fulfilling that purpose. I have certain faith in my own Intuition, my Inner Tutor and my Inner Guidance, once I have renounced all of my religious beliefs.