The Secret To Winning

The Secret To Winning is knowing why you lose!

I lose for one reason only, because I believe that I am not Good Enough!

Other people tell you that you are good, but they never tell you you are not good enough. When I believe what other people tell me, being told I am not good enough makes me doubt myself, so other people don’t tell us we are not good enough, just that we were unlucky. Self doubt makes me a loser. Self certainty allows me to win. When I absolutely know that I am good enough, I never lose.

When I lose, other people tell me I was good but I need to get better. I have to be good to get better so that I can be the best at winning. To be the best, I am told that I have to be better than everyone else. Trying to get better is not the best way to be good enough, even though it is the path that everyone tells you is best. On this path only one person can be the best and everyone else is second best. In a competition between 16 people, 1 person wins and 15 people lose.

Being Good Enough follows a path of Excellence, not a path of winning & losing. Every opponent is there to show me the level of excellence that I have currently attained. Meeting an opponent with a higher level of attainment allows me to see an opportunity for improvement. They remind me that I am not yet good enough.

When I see winning from the perspective of: I am already the best that I can be, I have a choice to make. I can give up or I can choose to be better and one day become really Good. When I acknowledge that I am already the best that I can be, I allow myself to follow a path of getting better, until I become good enough to attain excellence.

This path is always about me, never my opponent. My opponent is just there for me to see how much better I am becoming, or how much better I can become. A winner always sees opportunities for improvement. A loser always sees a reason why they lost.

When I am good enough, I attain a level of excellence. I become the Champion of my own Excellence. Winning is not about being better than your opponent but about being better than you are. Competing with another allows me to see what level of excellence I have so far attained.

From the perspective of: When I become the champion, I will be good enough; I will often be a loser.

With the perspective that: When I am good enough, I will be a champion; I cannot lose. I cannot lose that which I have not yet attained.

A True Champion is the One who Excels.

Good – better – best is the path of one winner and many losers.

Best – Better – Really Good is the Path of a Champion.