Survival Of The Fittest

Survival of the Fittest is the perspective of people who believe that life happens to them. With this belief, I need to be the fittest that I can be to survive whatever happens to me in life. Whereas this belief may or may not be true in the Animal Kingdom, it has been longer than 10,000 years since Modern Man has had to hunt and compete with animals for food.

The Evolution of Man has never been about physical fitness but about Man’s ability to fit into the Physical World as defined by Science. Fitness is the ability to fit into the physical environment and Modern Man has learned how to change the environment to fit into what Man wants or needs. Animals become extinct when they no longer fit in to their environment on Earth.

Modern Man is no longer learning how to survive on Earth but how to live, thrive & prosper. Unfortunately, the more Man thrives and prospers, the more the Earth appears to suffer as a consequence. Future thinking Man is now planning how to survive in Space, so that one day we may live, thrive and prosper on other planets, once the Earth’s resources have been depleted.

From a perspective of life happens by me, my actions are planned and designed for my prosperity in life, not my survival. Prosperity is a measure of relative comfort and security. The more comfortable and secure that I make my life, the more I appear to prosper.

Instead of fitting into the natural physical environment of Earth, Man is making the physical environment fit for the purpose of comfort, security & convenience. We now rely on mental fitness, rather than physical fitness, to ensure our comfort, security and prosperity.

Prosperity of the Fittest is a mental achievement, not a matter of physical attributes. Fitting into the modern world requires educated knowledge, intellectual reasoning and rational intelligence. Mental strength is now superior in every way to physical strength.

The Evolution of Man is a process of evolving mentally & emotionally, not physically. Geneticists have discovered that Early European Modern Man, formerly known as Cro-Magnon Man, has not physically changed in the past 200,000 years. Evolution is therefore not a physical change but a mental & emotional one.

Even though Man has not physically changed as a species, we have certainly changed the environment in which we live. When the human perspective evolves from ‘life happens to me’ to ‘life happens by me’, everything changes very quickly in our physical environment.

The present crisis on Planet Earth is believed to be caused by Modern Man due to wrong, bad or negative choices. We are globally seeking positively right choices to change a negatively bad situation in the environment.

In the modern world, where life happens by me rather than to me, the Planet appears to be evolving into Survival Mode. The pursuit of comfort, convenience & prosperity appears to be to the detriment of a planet that is fighting back.

The question is: Who will be the fittest to survive, Man or the Planet Earth? Is the Mass Extinction of Man, the only way to save the World?