The Four Elements

There are Four Pillars on my Path to Enlightenment:

  1. Water represents the thoughts that flow through my super-conscious mind.
  2. Air represents the sub-conscious emotion on which my thoughts are transmitted.
  3. Earth represents the body through which my thoughts are grounded and become manifest in my conscious.
  4. Fire represents the spirit from which the thoughts of my supra-conscious mind originate.

The four elements of Mind, Body, Emotion & Spirit were known to the ancient Greek Philosophers as: Soma, Pneuma, Psyche, & Nous; which translate as: Body, Heart, Soul & Mind.

Jesus referred to the Four Elements in his 1st Commandment: “Love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, Soul, Mind, & Strength”.

Freud classified ‘consciousness’ as being: Sub-conscious, Conscious, Super-conscious & Supra-conscious.

Whatever words we decide to use, it appears that all Great Philosophers throughout history were aware of the Four Elements that are the Pillars of the Path to Enlightenment.

They all knew that defining and uniting these Four Elements in their Life was their path to becoming enlightened.