Three Aspects Of Energy

From a physical perspective, there are three aspects of energy. Energy is physically experienced as having three different properties.

  • Latent Energy is energy at rest
  • Kinetic Energy is energy in motion
  • Thermal Energy is energy in resistance

Latent energy is inert. Inertia holds the potential of latent energy. The potential of latent energy in dual reality is to be either active or latent, creative or dormant, expansive or contractive. When I overcome inertia, I fulfil its latent potential. Latent energy is the apparent absence of thermal or kinetic energy.

Acceleration is the activation of potential energy.

Heat or thermal energy is the deceleration of active energy (motion) in a failed attempt to make energy inert.

We are able to transform potential energy into active energy, called kinetic energy of motion and we are able to turn kinetic energy into thermal energy of heat. We can also turn potential energy into thermal energy and then into kinetic energy but as yet, we are unable to turn either kinetic or thermal energy back into potential energy, other than with our primitive batteries.

We cannot create inertia with either kinetic or thermal energy. We can change the properties of energy but we cannot ever appear to destroy its potential. That potential is there to not only create motion or heat, action or resistance, acceleration or deceleration but also to create physical reality itself.

From a spiritual perspective:

  • Energy in motion is Attraction
  • Energy in resistance is Repulsion
  • Energy at rest is Non Attraction
  • Latent energy is the energy of motion in matter, or its vibration
  • Kinetic energy is the motion of energy in matter, or its frequency
  • Thermal energy is the matter of energy in motion, or its wavelength

Attraction, Non Attraction & Repulsion are three aspects of energy.

Vibration, Frequency & Wavelength are three aspects of energy.

Energy, Matter & Motion are three aspects of Spirit. They are the spirit of energy.

Spirit is how non-physical Beings intuitively see energy. My spiritual energy is experienced kinetically as thought, thermally as emotion and latently as inert matter.

  • My physical body is latent energy at rest
  • My emotional feeling is thermal energy in resistance, called my temper or mood
  • My mental thought is kinetic energy in action, called inspiration or imagination

Balancing my thermal & kinetic energy fulfils the potential of my latent energy. When I am out of balance, I am transforming stored thermal energy called calories into the kinetic energy of action, instead of using the full potential of my creative latent energy with the inspired intuitive thought of my empowered emotional feelings.