The Energy Of Life

Life is an Energy Vibration.

When Consciousness vibrates with energy, it comes alive. Consciousness is a mental frequency of thought, with a force of authority called Light. Every frequency of thought is transmitted & received on a wavelength of emotion that has a magnitude of power called Love.

Every vibration of the Mind is a frequency of thought with a wavelength of emotion, which determines its level of Consciousness & Awareness. The purer the authority of a thought, the more powerful the emotion on which it is transmitted. The conscious Mind brings the perspective of its thoughts and the perceptions of its emotions, to life. Life is the experience of a thoughtful conscious mind with an awareness of emotional feeling.

Life is an energy vibration, which is divided by wavelength & frequency. Without frequency, there is no time to think and without wavelength, there is no space to feel emotion. Space is the magnitude of emotional power that in every moment of authorised mental thought allows the creation of a potential physical reality. Moments of pure emotional thought create the experience of space-time-reality.

A vibrating ‘string’ of thought causes a time-line of existence in the universal gap of space. Consciousness is a vibrating string of thoughts, frequenting in time as wavelengths of space.

It is the frequency of a forceful thought energy vibration that creates time and it is the wavelength of emotional energy vibrations that create a magnitude of space, which allows the potential for a physical reality to exist.

Life is the energetic product of the authority of conscious thought called Light and the power of the emotional awareness of Love. Emotional Love is a magnitude of power that empowers & inspires the Light of mental thought, as a force of authority.

The ability of Life to be physically experienced is relative to the authority of Light-Conscious Thought and the awareness of powerful Emotional Love. Life is built on a foundation of Love & Light. Every vibration of Life has a frequency of Light transmitted on a wavelength of Love.

Life is the physical reality of emotional love with mental light, in a time-space medium.

Time-space-reality is the light of love in life, experienced. The frequency & wavelength of every energy vibration determines the reality of physical life.

Spirit is energy and energy is spiritual.

Spirituality is the reality of energy as it vibrates and flows through physical life.